Your Child's Belmont journey begins here
We have different admissions processes for the different entry points at our school. Our main point of entry is 11+ but pupils can join via a Chance vacancy at 7+, 8+ 9+ 10+ and 12+.
Entry into Belmont is by examination, interview and reference from your child’s current school. The process can seem daunting at first, but we aim to make it as smooth and enjoyable as possible! We will help you through the process and look forward to welcoming you to one of our Open Events which we encourage all parents and prospective pupils to attend so they can find out more about the school and meet members of staff and current pupils.
Please select your journey below
Visit Us
To get a true flavour of life at Belmont please come and visit us. We have formal Open Mornings throughout the year, but also offer mid-week tours during term time.
Alternatively, please contact our Admissions Team on 020 8906 7290 or via email at admissions@belmontschool.com to arrange a time which works for you.
Register your Child
To Register your child please click the button below. Alongside completion of the registration form, a fee of £180 per child (£240 Overseas child) is also required.
Assessment - Stage 1
All applicants registered for entry by the closing date will be invited to the first round of assessments.
These assessments will involve computer based adaptive tests in English, Maths, NVR, VR and Creative Comprehension. At 11+ we expect the majority of pupils to be exceeding the expected national average at Key Stage 2. We want the children to be as relaxed as possible, if you would like to hear about it first hand, here is a short video from our current pupils.
If your child requires extra time or additional support for due to a specific learning difficulty, please inform our Admissions Team at the point of registration.
Scholarship applications
If your child has been shortlisted for the second round of assessment, you can then submit your scholarship application.
Assessment - Stage 2
Some candidates will be invited back for a second round of assessments. This will involve; Group Interviews, Problem Solving/Teamwork Activity and Creative Writing. Candidates will be expected to discuss their interests in and outside school, general knowledge and current affairs. We will also be looking at how children communicate and conduct themselves both individually and within a group.
Following assessment, parents of successful candidates will receive offers via email.
Offer Holders’ Day
All children who have been offered a place will be invited to spend some time at the school to experience Belmont life first hand and have the opportunity to ask any remaining questions. We hope that their time with us will showcase why we are the right school for them.
We kindly request that parents accept their offer of a place within two weeks. At this time, a deposit is also payable. Once your child’s has been confirmed, you will be provided with more information and invited to an Induction Day ahead of starting. Welcome to Belmont!
Please refer to our Admissions Calendar for specific dates.