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Belmont Mill Hill Prep
Music Scholarships

Music Scholarships and Instrumental tuition awards are offered to Belmont pupils and applicants at 11+ entry.

Awards are for the duration of the candidate’s time at Belmont. When pupils move on to Mill Hill School for 13+, Belmontians are put forward again for a range of scholarships that are available for the next five years at Mill Hill. They are all subject to satisfactory progress and behaviour. Any bursary addition would be reviewed annually.

The Director of Music is always happy to meet with prospective candidates and their parents, and to answer enquiries at any stage of the application process. Visiting the school during Open Days, however, is seen as an important part of the application procedure as it gives the candidates and their parents the opportunity to see the department in action, see where their audition would take place, and helps the candidate feel at ease when they come for their formal audition.

What is the required standard?

For entry at 11+ candidates will be expected to be approximately Grade 4 standard in their first study instrument and often offer a second study and/or voice (though this is not a prerequisite). We appreciate, however, that this standard can be difficult to assess if no formal examinations have taken place. The over-riding factor in whether a candidate receives an award will be whether they show exceptional promise in their instrument(s). If you are in any doubt about suitability for an award please contact the Director of Music in advance.

When and how do the auditions take place?

Auditions and interviews will take place in the Spring Term for entry into Belmont in September of the same year. Candidates are asked to submit a digital recording of two own choice pieces in contrasting styles on their first study/instrument/voice and one piece on their second study/instrument/voice. We ask that you submit the recording via wetransfer.com to admissions@belmontschool.com.

The Director of Music will view all submissions and then shortlist candidates for a live audition.

What happens on the day of the auditions?

On the day of the auditions, all candidates will perform on their chosen instruments to a panel of two Belmont Music staff, be interviewed by the Director of Music and where appropriate, The Head.

Candidates will be required to perform two own choice pieces, contrasting in style, on their first study instrument/voice. If offering a second study, candidates should prepare just one piece of their own choice for performance on that instrument/voice in the audition. Please note that the school will provide a piano accompanist for the day; candidates will not be permitted to use their own.

Following the performance, candidates will be required to attempt some sight-reading and ear tests appropriate to their standard or grade, and answer general questions on the theoretical aspects of music and their musical opinions.

Belmont Music Scholars

  • Candidates entering for a Scholarship should be aware that if offered a music award, music will become a major part of their school life.
  • Scholars are expected to take a full and active part in the musical life of the school, and will find themselves performing in a musical activity several days throughout the school week, in addition to their private instrumental tuition.
  • Currently, the school has an orchestra, string group, chamber group, junior choir, chamber choir, chapel choir (joint with Mill Hill), jazz band, junior wind band, bell plates, percussion group, recorder group, and music theory club.
  • Along with the Drama department, Music scholars are invited to attend West End theatre trips which have previously included Wicked, Sound of Music, Joseph, and Matilda.

The deadline to apply for a Music Scholarship is listed on the Admissions Calendar. Applications received after this time will not be accepted.

If you require any further information, or are unsure about any aspect of the application process or the suitability of your child for a music award, please contact admissions@belmontschool.com or the Director of Music, Mrs Yang on nyang@belmontschool.com

Scholars' Programmes Application Form

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© Belmont Mill Hill Prep 2025
Registered in England: Number 3404450. Registered Charity Number: 1064758. Registered office: Walker House, Millers Close, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AQ