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June 20, 2024

Year 4 and 5 Reading Challenge

I have been delighted to see the efforts of the children in Years 4 and 5 with their enthusiasm and commitment to the Reading Challenge. This second half of the Summer term, congratulations go to the following for reading and reviewing 10 books:

Summer Term 2
BronzeAngel 4NH, Kian 4BB
GoldTheo BP 4BB, Zakaria 4KC
Literacy Award Freddie 5EP

NB – efforts have been made to ensure that all those who have received badges this term are named above. If your child’s name has been left out, this is an oversight on my part, and I do apologise. Please do contact me and I will ensure that they are recognised next time.

A special mention goes to Freddie in 5EP for managing to complete the challenge, and earning his Literacy Award badge. Well done, Freddie!

The summer break is the ideal opportunity to get stuck into some great books. It is essential that all pupils keep their reading skills ticking over so that they can maintain the progress they have made this year and be ready for the challenges ahead. Little and often is a great approach. Children can continue to work on their Belmont Reading Challenge. Year 3 you can get started on the Lower School Reading Challenge and work towards your bronze badge. For Year 5, this will be your last chance to get another level completed before you start Upper School. Details about the Reading Challenge can be found on Firefly.

You might also come across some other reading challenges run by your local libraries so do take a look online to see what’s out there. Here is a link to the Reading Agency Summer Reading Challenge, sign up starts today: (

There is also the Blue Peter reading badge that children can work towards. The badge has been designed by none other than Quentin Blake, an illustrator familiar to us all. Here is a link for more information: (

And in case you need some inspiration or book suggestions, here are some links to the reading list (organised by year group and age that you might find helpful):

School Reading List (

Books for Topic (

I look forward to hearing about all the amazing books the children have read when we return for the start of the new academic year.

Ms R Sutherns
Head of Lower School

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